Programme #4 –12 months Plus Post Bariatric Surgery – Tools for Sustained Lifelong Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery Module ™

This module is about ‘checking in’ – checking in with yourself to make sure you are still the star in your own life. Wasn’t that why you had surgery in the first place? The period between 1-2 years post-bariatric surgery can bring its own challenges. Often any care received from your surgical team has concluded, and you can be left feeling ‘now what’ or ‘what next?’ All the tools in this module are building on the previous two TWC programmes - The focus is now about YOU! This module includes the following - Taking care of ‘ME’; nurturing you; self-care; completing the total transformation; feeling you true worth; old vs new beliefs; values; moving forward; conquering fear; building confidence; the L.I.F.E. model; life balance; and growing your self-love.